
Our hotels were in great locations This is the view of the Acropolis from our hotel room in Athens.
conspicuous consumption George came from Cyprus to meet us in Crete. Then he wanted us to try all the local food. The squid was quite good, but the octopus was a bit dry.
dinner Funny, the octopus didn't look so dry when we saw it in the local market.
one screwup after another Cheryl left her shirts at the first hotel we stayed at. We had to get them shipped by bus to Chania, Crete. Luckily, we had a Greek translator with us. Here's Cheryl and our translator looking through the bus station's packages. The shirts weren't there. We had to come back later.
hangin with the team This is us hanging out outside our hotel in Chania. These guys with us are the "Field of Dreams" baseball team. They were extras in the movie, and now they're touring Europe playing at military bases. We recently rented the movie. Near the end, when Burt Lancaster walks away, one of these guys tips his hat at him.
View of the Chania port from the front of the hotel. This is the view of the Chania port. The photo was taken from the same place as the previous picture... just facing the water. It was a typical Greek port. Fishermen mending their nets. Quaint
George hates the Turks Over the years Chania had been ruled by the Venetians and then the Turks. The architecture reflects that history.
nice hat Rachel and Jared like to poke fun of a photo of my sister and me. Amy and I were about their age when we were in Mexico. We were wearing sombreros. I was noticibly taller than Amy. I guess we had funny expressions on our faces. The kids never miss an opportunity to get a laugh at my expense.
more nice hats Here's another take on the same idea. This is in Heraklion, Crete.
Me and Amy in Mexico 30+ years ago. This is the original photo of Amy and me that my kids think is so hysterical. I guess my hat doesn't fit too well, and our expressions are priceless... but I wasn't that much taller than her.


We stayed at some pretty nice hotels. This was a suite in Denmark. the presidential suite  
Searching for the internet cafe gave us a goal for the day This is how we checked our email when we were on the road. There are quite a few internet cafes in Europe. Its not as common to have internet access from your home because you typically have to pay for local calls by the minute. That'd discourage me from using the internet from home. Its an advantage for the us though. American kids are very internet literate.
modern art We finally found a museum our kids liked. It was the modern art museum about a half an hour north of Copenhagen.
separated at birth How many kids can you fit in one jacket?

We were walking down the street, and the kids were falling further and further behind us. We heard some pretty serious fooling around going on. When they finally rounded the corner, they had transformed into siamese twins.

All this because Jared didn't think he'd be cold, so he didn't take his jacket with him.

not Mount Rushmore No, this isn't Mount Rushmore.

Its Legoland in Denmark. This monument is made of legos.

I think she is my type Here's Jared (and Rachel) trying to pick up a babe.

Turns out she was made of legos. Luckily she was fooled by the color of the kids clothes and the kids did manage to pick her up.

look closely...what about the expression on Cheryl's face? Can you believe I caught this guy in the act of trying to pick pocket Cheryl?

This was taken at the Erotica Museum in Copenhagen. The kids skipped this museum (luckily).

The answer is blowing in the wind The Danes are very concerned about pollution. The have vowed not to use nuclear power. Around 10 percent of their power is generated by wind. The countryside is dotted with windmills.


Goodbye English Rose This is Kensington palace where you saw all those flowers for Princess Diana. People still leave flowers and cards.

I wanted to show the kids this place so they could realize that the stuff they see on the news is real.

Pick out the imposters Here we're mixing it up with the knights at Warwick Castle.
trying on clothes They sent us back to the dressing room to get proper attire. Jared even has armor on his teeth.
Ni! The original "knight that says 'ni' "
Cheers mateJared's having a pint and a quick smoke at the Wykham Arm's pub in Winchester. We stayed at this place 12 years ago when we arrived in England. Both kids immediately came down with chicken pox. After we found a place to rent, the owners of the pub lent us towels and sheets for the duration of our stay. So this place has fond memories for us.
Our best times were visiting with friends. Iain and Katie This is Iain and Katie outside the Sherborne Abbey. We have the bike with us because Iain, Jared and I walked and rode the bike to Sherborne. It was about 3 1/2 miles, on walking paths through cow pastures. Not a long walk by English standards. Rachel joined us for the walk back.
A barn dance is like a square dance The kids complained that the trip was too educational, and not enough fun. But we all agree that one of the most fun things we did was to go to this barn dance with Simon and Charlotte.
Doe see doe your partners Here we are doing a dance which went through a number of complicated steps, and then just when you figured it out, you had to switch partners.
With her head tucked underneath her arm Among the 'educational' things we did was go to the Tower of London where Jared laid his head down on the very spot where Anne Boleyn got her's chopped off.
Bring on the midgets No trip to England would be complete without a stop at this monument that was immortalized by Spinal Tap.